Welcome to Commemorative Justice

It has been said Justice is the most intellectual of all virtues. And yet, it is the hardest to define. When considering the ultimate question for the why of everything, what then is just and fair? If this is of interest, I invite you to reason and engage with me through this website.

An introduction to Commemorative Justice

An introduction to Commemorative Justice - Image of a night sky with trees

If there is a God, what can justice be other than the pursuance of His own glory? The answer to this depends on the definitions of God and glory. By assuming with good reason that God consists of three self-conscious Perspectives or Persons within His one intellect and will, such a Being of perfect knowledge and love cannot but grant Himself the perfect Gift, for which everything must necessarily exist – good or evil. As to what or Who this Gift can be is none other than the man Jesus Christ. Whether this necessity for actual existence is true, good, and just, you will have to decide after comparing the grand idea in all its fullness with anything else that can possibly be conceived.

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About the Author

Michael M. Volpe was born and raised in Brooklyn and moved to upstate NY before attending Nyack college, graduating with a major in Bible and a minor in philosophy.

About the Author - Michael Volpe - Image of Michael